The best garden railroading resources are the members of the Bay Area Garden Railway Society.
Between them they have experience and knowledge of every aspect of garden railroading from planning & design to holding your first open railroad and everything in between.
Two other online resources are noted below.

GARDEN RAILROADING NEWS is a FREE bi-monthly digital magazine.
It includes featured layouts, how to do articles, planting suggestions and more.
It’s Advertiser Directory lists many suppliers of products & services used by garden railroaders.

THE KALMBACH HOBBY STORE sells many publications about garden railroading.
There are publications about starting a garden railroad, constructing trestles & buildings, different aspects of landscaping, maintaining & customizing locomotives and many other topics.
Publications are reasonably priced. There are print/digital options for some.
Visit https://kalmbachhobbystore.com/catalog/garden-railroading/ to learn more.